Author: Joshua Mellick

4th Jun
Capital city population growth is the highest on record
14th May
Exploring Brisbane’s booming property market
30th Jan
Navigating Affordability, Market Trends and the Rise of Apartment Living
3rd Oct
“The Long Game of Property Investment: Time in the Market”
17th Apr
Spotlight on the Sunshine Coast
17th Jan
The Biggest Hospital Project in Australia’s History
23rd Aug
Melbourne’s $90.2 billion infrastructure spending spree
16th Aug
What exactly is build-to-rent?
21st Jun
The One vs Two Bedroom Story
5th Apr
Understanding Micro Markets
25th Jan
The two components of return: capital growth and rental yield
23rd Nov
Home ownership for the next generation
17th Aug
How do vacancy rates affect rental yields?
22nd Jun
The Sunshine Coast: what you should know
20th Apr
The effect of FOMO on our property market
2nd Mar
Key ingredients for a liveable apartment