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This event is the one event you don’t want to miss! It’s the one where we show you our research, reputation and negotiating powers in action.
On the night, we’re presenting the best of our research-approved properties and give our clients first access to the best properties in Australia.
Our research methodology rejects 89% of the properties submitted, and we save the best of these properties to present to you at our Property Showcase.
Our clients get first access to our Showcase properties and will never be able to buy somewhere else at a better price.
We’ve built solid relationships with the best developers across the country. Our clients get access to their properties before anyone else with negotiated inclusions.
Can’t see a date that suits you? We are always adding new dates for our events – subscribe below and we’ll let you know when we are adding new dates.
You can also RSVP via (02) 9743 0077 or