Bite Sized Basics: Thinking Beyond the Obvious – Henry Ford’s Insightful Quote

“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”

Henry Ford. Founder Ford Motor Company 1863-1947

Henry Ford was a pioneer of the automobile industry. He founded the Ford Motor Company and was the chief developer of the assembly-line technique of mass production. His statement holds a profound lesson in innovation and vision.

Before we pull the wheels off this statement, there has been a debate for many years about whether Ford did utter those exact words, and the only guy who can tell us (Henry Ford himself) died in 1947.

But let’s still jump aboard my explanation truck and drive around the block to unravel the meaning behind this quote. We’ll try to understand why it’s more than a clever phrase.

Embracing innovation over-familiarity:

Picture a world where horses were the primary mode of transportation. In that context, asking people what they wanted might have resulted in responses like “stronger horses” or “faster horses.” These answers make sense based on what was familiar and within the existing frame of reference.

However, Henry Ford wasn’t content with incremental improvements. He had a vision that went beyond the obvious – a vision that gave birth to the automobile. Instead of adhering to the comfort of familiarity, he dared to think differently and introduced a revolutionary concept that forever transformed transportation.

Beyond what’s asked, a lesson in innovation:

Henry Ford’s quote encapsulates a crucial lesson in innovation. True progress often stems from ideas that extend beyond the confines of conventional thinking. It’s about identifying unmet needs, even when people may not explicitly express them.

Consider the smartphone. If tech companies had asked people what they wanted, they might have said “compact flip phones” or “coloured keypads.” Instead, a visionary named Steve Jobs introduced a device that combined a phone, camera, music player, and computer into one device. Those bold steps changed what we expect in a mobile phone and how we communicate.

Seeing the unseen:

Innovators and visionaries like Henry Ford possess the ability to see the unseen. They recognize that human desires extend beyond immediate needs and aim to fulfill latent aspirations that people might not even realise they have.

Ford’s quote looks at the importance of looking beyond the surface and understanding the deeper desires and needs that people may be unable to articulate. It’s about challenging assumptions and breaking free from the limitations of the status quo.

Shaping the Future and applying a lesson:

Ford’s quote means embracing a mindset of innovation and thinking beyond the expected. It means asking “why” and “what if” instead of just “what.” It’s about creating products and solutions that exceed expectations and address needs people may be unaware of.

So, the next time you’re contemplating a new idea, product, or solution, cast your mind back to Henry Ford’s words.

Try not to limit yourself to what’s currently known or asked for.

That quote serves as a reminder that true innovation goes beyond meeting the obvious and immediate desires.

Ford’s quote highlights that your wealth creation can come from being provided solutions you didn’t know you needed rather than simply fulfilling a want.


Knowledge is Power

Owun is the Senior Education Specialist at the Blue Wealth Property Academy and hosts The Clever Investor podcast. He has worked in finance and property for well over 20 years and is known for easily explaining the complex world of wealth creation.

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